S.No. | Type | Circular Name | Download | 1 | Technical | Prequalification to be given to the contractors for Railway crossing. (Circulars No. ८१) |
2 | Technical | Regarding powers for approval of extra items. (Circulars No. ८०) | |
3 | Technical | DRS for २००२-२००३. (Circulars No. ७९) | |
4 | Technical | Regarding inclusion of price variation claim clause in the tender. (Circulars No. ७८) | |
5 | Technical | Powers for Technical Sanction and acceptance of Tender. (Circulars No. ७७) | |
6 | Technical | Regarding collecting bills for water supply in rural areas where the scheme is operated and maintained by MJP since it has not been commissioned (Circulars No. ७५) | |
7 | Finance | Authority for the proposals having financial responsibility (Circulars No. ७४) | |
8 | General | Precautions to be taken to avoid epidemic diseases in the upcoming monsoon season. (Circulars No. ७३) | |
9 | Technical | Precautions to be taken and expected improvement expected in water supply schemes which are run by Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran. (Circulars No. ७२) | |
10 | Technical | Regarding inspection of temporary water supply scheme.(Circulars No. ७१ ) | |
11 | Technical | Regarding entering into agreement with a contractor having specific work experience (Circulars No. ७०) | |
12 | Technical | Regarding implementation of incomplete water supply scheme (Circulars No. ६९) | |
13 | Technical | बीडाच्या पाईपच्या संकल्पनांत जलदाबाची विहित मर्यादा…. (परिपत्रक क्र. ६८) | |
14 | Technical | Precautions to be taken while tendering. (Circulars No. ६७) | |
15 | Technical | Regarding 5% check on the work done by Executive Engineer. (Circulars No. ६६) | |
16 | Technical | Circular 65 (Circulars No. ६५) | |
17 | Technical | No direct purchasing of pipes for rural water supply schemes. (Circulars No. ६४) | |
18 | Technical | For not doing direct correspondence to Government or Head office. (Circulars No. ६३) | |
19 | Technical | Test pressure for M.S. Pipes (Circulars No. ६२) | |
20 | Technical | Review of water supply scheme's components in accordance with Earthquake on 26 january 2001. (Circulars No. ६१) | |
21 | Technical | Decisions taken for execution of works according to major action plan (Bruhat Aarakada) (Circulars No. ६० ) | |
22 | Technical | Regarding implementation of rural water supply scheme. (Circulars No. ५९) | |
23 | Technical | Need of keeping contact with the MLA/MP form the constituency furnishing information about scheme. (Circulars No. ५८) | |
24 | Technical | Pending final Bills. (Circulars No. ५७) | |
25 | Technical | Regarding land acquisition for Urban & Rural Scheme. (Circulars No. ५६) | |
26 | Technical | DSR (civil) - 2000-2001. (Circulars No. ५५) | |
27 | Technical | Regarding refund of additional security deposit taken at the time of tender acceptance. (Circulars No. ५४) | |
28 | Technical | Regarding the consideration of Networth of the Contractor's company while determining Prequalifical of the tenders. (Circulars No. ५३) | |
29 | Technical | Regarding prioritization of Water Supply Scheme. (Circulars No. ५२ ) | |
30 | Technical | (Circulars No. ५१) | |
31 | Technical | Water inflow testing for headworks of WSS. (Circulars No. ५०) | |
32 | Technical | Mesures to take while laying PVC pipes. (Circulars No. ४९) | |
33 | Technical | Regarding laying of mild steel (in the reinforcement) according to earthquake zone design. (Circulars No. ४८) | |
34 | Technical | Regarding entering into collaboration agreement with a contractor having specific work experience. (Circulars No. ४७ ) | |
35 | Technical | Regarding payment of 75% amount of extra item before sanction. (Circulars No. ४६) | |
36 | Technical | Operation and maintenance of Water Treatment Plant. (Circulars No. ४५) | |
37 | Technical | Regarding taking measures to avoid epidemic diseases in rainy season. (Circulars No. ४४) | |
38 | Technical | MJP/ MS/ TS1/ 2435 Regarding providing appurtenances for pipeline before commissioning.(Circulars No. ४३) | |
39 | Technical | Pumping Hours. (Circulars No. ४२ ) | |
40 | Technical | Chief Engineer MJP's inspection & suggesting measures for operating & restrictively Maintaining Water supply schemes which are operated and maintained by Municipal corporation and 'A' class corporation. (Circulars No. ४१) | |
41 | Technical | दरसूची A १९९९-२००० मधील मॉर्टर लायनिंग या बाबीच्या वर्णनास सुधारणा करणे बाबत. (परिपत्रक क्र. ४०) | |
42 | General | Inauguration and Bhumi pooja ceremony for Water Supply. (Circulars No. ३९ ) | |
43 | Technical | Regarding NOT purchasing various pipes required for Urban and Rural water Supply Scheme. (Circulars No. ३८) | |
44 | Technical | Regarding non-domestic/ Commercial water Supply by MJP. (Circulars No. ३६ ) | |
45 | Technical | Provision of Water Hammer Control Devices in rural and Urban Water Supply Scheme. Estimation of water hammerpressures and selection of Air Cushion Valves and Zero Velocity valves. (Circulars No. ३५) | |
46 | Technical | Regarding security of pipes which were brought by contractor for scheme but not utilized. (Circulars No. ३४ ) | |
47 | Technical | Regarding submission of paper (about provident fund) along with tender by registered contractor. (Circulars No. ३३ ) | |
48 | Technical | Schedule of Rates of 1999-2000. (Circulars No. ३२) | |
49 | Technical | No.MS/TS-II/Circular/ 3174 (Circulars No. ३१ ) | |
50 | Technical | Regarding preparing Record drawings of important structures in water supply/ Drainage scheme. (Circulars No.३०) | |
51 | Technical | Utilizing existing distribution system in Rural water supply scheme. (Circulars No. २९) | |
52 | Technical | Utilisation of surplus usable material available on M.S.A. for World Bank Project Water Supply Schemes. (Circulars No. २८ ) | |
53 | Technical | Reducing the powers for sanctioning the extra items. (Circulars No. २७) | |
54 | Technical | Submission of Tender. (Circulars No. 26 ) | |
55 | Technical | Regarding attaching technical scrutiny list along with bill. (Circulars No. २५) | |
56 | Technical | Regarding prequalifying the contractors for the tenders of water supply schemes (Circulars No. २४ ) | |
57 | Technical | Construction of R.C.C. ESRs (Circulars No. २३ ) | |
58 | Technical | Guidelines for pipes to be used for rural & Urban water supply schemes. (Circulars No. 22) | |
59 | Technical | Precautions to be taken while curing the Guniting work. (Circulars No. 21 ) | |
60 | Technical | Regarding measures to be taken for the security of water supply station, ESR, Balancing Tank. (Circulars No. २०) | |
61 | Technical | Precautions to be taken to avoid epidemics in the upcoming monsoon season. (Circulars No. 19 ) | |
62 | Technical | Precautions to be taken while laying the pipeline along the PWD road. (Circulars No. १8 ) | |
63 | Technical | Power of tender acceptance (Circulars No.17) | |
64 | Technical | Regarding place for acceptance of the tender (Circulars No. 16 ) | |
65 | Technical | Evaluation of Tenders at 1998-99 CSR. (Circulars No. १५ ) | |
66 | Technical | Regarding consideration of the Net-worth of the contractors company while prequalifying tender (Circulars No. १४ ) | |
67 | Technical | Powers for acceptance of the Tendres (Circulars No. १3 ) | |
68 | Technical | Conditions/ clauses to be mentioned in the Tenders as stipulated in Common D.S.R. for Year 1998- 1999 (Circulars No. १२) | |
69 | Technical | Regarding change in DSR (1998-99) Rates for AC pipes, PVC pipes, CI/DI Joints, AC couplers (Circulars No. 11 ) | |
70 | Technical | The use of Solar Power Technology For Schemes (Circulars No.१०) | |
71 | Technical | Selection of Pipes (Circulars No. 9 ) | |
72 | Technical | Percentage check on hidden Items of works. (Circulars No. 8 ) | |
73 | Technical | Commissioning Water Supply through ongoing schemes (Circulars No. 7 ) | |
74 | Technical | Rates for excavation for trench of pipeline in the Tender (Circulars No. 6 ) | |
75 | Technical | Procurement of Liquid Chlorine (Circulars No. 5 ) | |
76 | Technical | Regarding the method of determining pre qualifical procedure (Circulars No. 4 ) | |
77 | Technical | About Giving permission for using of soft starters, developed by M/S electronics, sangli for water supply scheme (Circulars No. 3 ) | |
78 | Technical | Circulars No. 2 (Circulars No. 2 ) | |
79 | Technical | Construction of RCC ESRs having capacity less than ५०० m ३ on Contractors own design (Circulars No. 1 ) | |
80 | Technical | Check list regarding starting of Stage 1& Stage 2 | |
81 | Technical | E-Tender Digital Signature Key circular NO-166 | |
82 | Technical | Circular No-168-Regarding Rural WS Schemes | |
83 | Technical | Corrigendum of circular No 167 Dt.14/9/15,Regarding | |
84 | Technical | Regarding given on rental basis MJP's onwership | |
85 | Technical | Corrigendum no-2 of circular No 153 | |
86 | Technical | Revise circular regarding fixing of MJP's QA units | |
87 | Technical | Corrigendum of circular No 153 Dt.14/9/15,Regarding | |
88 | Technical | Regarding Updation of information on MJP New Website | |
89 | Technical | Regarding inspection of water supply schemes without prior permission by quality control unit | |
90 | Technical | Guidelines regarding release of funds for implemementation | |
91 | Technical | Regarding registration of contractors - Circular No. 172 | |
92 | Technical | Guidelines for approval of vendors in MJP - Circular No. 173 | |
93 | Technical | Tender Committee Procedure (Circular No 153 Corrigendum) | |
94 | Technical | NRDWP Schemes Implementation (Circular No. 161) | |
95 | Technical | Circular regarding not Implementing PMC Works without receipt of PMC Charges (Circular No. 162) | |
96 | Technical | Procedure for withdrawing works Tender Clause-3 (Circular 163) | |
97 | Technical | Technical Sanction to Urban and Rural WSS (Circular No. 164) | |
98 | Technical | Procedure to be adopted while preparing DPR for scheme costing more than Rs. 50/- Crores. (Circular 165) | |
99 | Technical | Publishing advertisement in News paper - Etendering (Circular No. 166) | |
100 | Technical | Procedure for high tender rate tenders of Rural WSS (Circular No. 167) |
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Last reviewed date - 13/04/2023
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