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S.No. Type Circular Name Download
1 Technical Prequalification to be given to the contractors for Railway crossing. (Circulars No. ८१)
2 Technical Regarding powers for approval of extra items. (Circulars No. ८०)
3 Technical DRS for २००२-२००३. (Circulars No. ७९)
4 Technical Regarding inclusion of price variation claim clause in the tender. (Circulars No. ७८)
5 Technical Powers for Technical Sanction and acceptance of Tender. (Circulars No. ७७)
6 Technical Regarding collecting bills for water supply in rural areas where the scheme is operated and maintained by MJP since it has not been commissioned (Circulars No. ७५)
7 Finance Authority for the proposals having financial responsibility (Circulars No. ७४)
8 General Precautions to be taken to avoid epidemic diseases in the upcoming monsoon season. (Circulars No. ७३)
9 Technical Precautions to be taken and expected improvement expected in water supply schemes which are run by Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran. (Circulars No. ७२)
10 Technical Regarding inspection of temporary water supply scheme.(Circulars No. ७१ )
11 Technical Regarding entering into agreement with a contractor having specific work experience (Circulars No. ७०)
12 Technical Regarding implementation of incomplete water supply scheme (Circulars No. ६९)
13 Technical बीडाच्या पाईपच्या संकल्पनांत जलदाबाची विहित मर्यादा…. (परिपत्रक क्र. ६८)
14 Technical Precautions to be taken while tendering. (Circulars No. ६७)
15 Technical Regarding 5% check on the work done by Executive Engineer. (Circulars No. ६६)
16 Technical Circular 65 (Circulars No. ६५)
17 Technical No direct purchasing of pipes for rural water supply schemes. (Circulars No. ६४)
18 Technical For not doing direct correspondence to Government or Head office. (Circulars No. ६३)
19 Technical Test pressure for M.S. Pipes (Circulars No. ६२)
20 Technical Review of water supply scheme's components in accordance with Earthquake on 26 january 2001. (Circulars No. ६१)
21 Technical Decisions taken for execution of works according to major action plan (Bruhat Aarakada) (Circulars No. ६० )
22 Technical Regarding implementation of rural water supply scheme. (Circulars No. ५९)
23 Technical Need of keeping contact with the MLA/MP form the constituency furnishing information about scheme. (Circulars No. ५८)
24 Technical Pending final Bills. (Circulars No. ५७)
25 Technical Regarding land acquisition for Urban & Rural Scheme. (Circulars No. ५६)
26 Technical DSR (civil) - 2000-2001. (Circulars No. ५५)
27 Technical Regarding refund of additional security deposit taken at the time of tender acceptance. (Circulars No. ५४)
28 Technical Regarding the consideration of Networth of the Contractor's company while determining Prequalifical of the tenders. (Circulars No. ५३)
29 Technical Regarding prioritization of Water Supply Scheme. (Circulars No. ५२ )
30 Technical (Circulars No. ५१)
31 Technical Water inflow testing for headworks of WSS. (Circulars No. ५०)
32 Technical Mesures to take while laying PVC pipes. (Circulars No. ४९)
33 Technical Regarding laying of mild steel (in the reinforcement) according to earthquake zone design. (Circulars No. ४८)
34 Technical Regarding entering into collaboration agreement with a contractor having specific work experience. (Circulars No. ४७ )
35 Technical Regarding payment of 75% amount of extra item before sanction. (Circulars No. ४६)
36 Technical Operation and maintenance of Water Treatment Plant. (Circulars No. ४५)
37 Technical Regarding taking measures to avoid epidemic diseases in rainy season. (Circulars No. ४४)
38 Technical MJP/ MS/ TS1/ 2435 Regarding providing appurtenances for pipeline before commissioning.(Circulars No. ४३)
39 Technical Pumping Hours. (Circulars No. ४२ )
40 Technical Chief Engineer MJP's inspection & suggesting measures for operating & restrictively Maintaining Water supply schemes which are operated and maintained by Municipal corporation and 'A' class corporation. (Circulars No. ४१)
41 Technical दरसूची A १९९९-२००० मधील मॉर्टर लायनिंग या बाबीच्या वर्णनास सुधारणा करणे बाबत. (परिपत्रक क्र. ४०)
42 General Inauguration and Bhumi pooja ceremony for Water Supply. (Circulars No. ३९ )
43 Technical Regarding NOT purchasing various pipes required for Urban and Rural water Supply Scheme. (Circulars No. ३८)
44 Technical Regarding non-domestic/ Commercial water Supply by MJP. (Circulars No. ३६ )
45 Technical Provision of Water Hammer Control Devices in rural and Urban Water Supply Scheme. Estimation of water hammerpressures and selection of Air Cushion Valves and Zero Velocity valves. (Circulars No. ३५)
46 Technical Regarding security of pipes which were brought by contractor for scheme but not utilized. (Circulars No. ३४ )
47 Technical Regarding submission of paper (about provident fund) along with tender by registered contractor. (Circulars No. ३३ )
48 Technical Schedule of Rates of 1999-2000. (Circulars No. ३२)
49 Technical No.MS/TS-II/Circular/ 3174 (Circulars No. ३१ )
50 Technical Regarding preparing Record drawings of important structures in water supply/ Drainage scheme. (Circulars No.३०)
51 Technical Utilizing existing distribution system in Rural water supply scheme. (Circulars No. २९)
52 Technical Utilisation of surplus usable material available on M.S.A. for World Bank Project Water Supply Schemes. (Circulars No. २८ )
53 Technical Reducing the powers for sanctioning the extra items. (Circulars No. २७)
54 Technical Submission of Tender. (Circulars No. 26 )
55 Technical Regarding attaching technical scrutiny list along with bill. (Circulars No. २५)
56 Technical Regarding prequalifying the contractors for the tenders of water supply schemes (Circulars No. २४ )
57 Technical Construction of R.C.C. ESRs (Circulars No. २३ )
58 Technical Guidelines for pipes to be used for rural & Urban water supply schemes. (Circulars No. 22)
59 Technical Precautions to be taken while curing the Guniting work. (Circulars No. 21 )
60 Technical Regarding measures to be taken for the security of water supply station, ESR, Balancing Tank. (Circulars No. २०)
61 Technical Precautions to be taken to avoid epidemics in the upcoming monsoon season. (Circulars No. 19 )
62 Technical Precautions to be taken while laying the pipeline along the PWD road. (Circulars No. १8 )
63 Technical Power of tender acceptance (Circulars No.17)
64 Technical Regarding place for acceptance of the tender (Circulars No. 16 )
65 Technical Evaluation of Tenders at 1998-99 CSR. (Circulars No. १५ )
66 Technical Regarding consideration of the Net-worth of the contractors company while prequalifying tender (Circulars No. १४ )
67 Technical Powers for acceptance of the Tendres (Circulars No. १3 )
68 Technical Conditions/ clauses to be mentioned in the Tenders as stipulated in Common D.S.R. for Year 1998- 1999 (Circulars No. १२)
69 Technical Regarding change in DSR (1998-99) Rates for AC pipes, PVC pipes, CI/DI Joints, AC couplers (Circulars No. 11 )
70 Technical The use of Solar Power Technology For Schemes (Circulars No.१०)
71 Technical Selection of Pipes (Circulars No. 9 )
72 Technical Percentage check on hidden Items of works. (Circulars No. 8 )
73 Technical Commissioning Water Supply through ongoing schemes (Circulars No. 7 )
74 Technical Rates for excavation for trench of pipeline in the Tender (Circulars No. 6 )
75 Technical Procurement of Liquid Chlorine (Circulars No. 5 )
76 Technical Regarding the method of determining pre qualifical procedure (Circulars No. 4 )
77 Technical About Giving permission for using of soft starters, developed by M/S electronics, sangli for water supply scheme (Circulars No. 3 )
78 Technical Circulars No. 2 (Circulars No. 2 )
79 Technical Construction of RCC ESRs having capacity less than ५०० m ३ on Contractors own design (Circulars No. 1 )
80 Technical Check list regarding starting of Stage 1& Stage 2
81 Technical E-Tender Digital Signature Key circular NO-166
82 Technical Circular No-168-Regarding Rural WS Schemes
83 Technical Corrigendum of circular No 167 Dt.14/9/15,Regarding
84 Technical Regarding given on rental basis MJP's onwership
85 Technical Corrigendum no-2 of circular No 153
86 Technical Revise circular regarding fixing of MJP's QA units
87 Technical Corrigendum of circular No 153 Dt.14/9/15,Regarding
88 Technical Regarding Updation of information on MJP New Website
89 Technical Regarding inspection of water supply schemes without prior permission by quality control unit
90 Technical Guidelines regarding release of funds for implemementation
91 Technical Regarding registration of contractors - Circular No. 172
92 Technical Guidelines for approval of vendors in MJP - Circular No. 173
93 Technical Tender Committee Procedure (Circular No 153 Corrigendum)
94 Technical NRDWP Schemes Implementation (Circular No. 161)
95 Technical Circular regarding not Implementing PMC Works without receipt of PMC Charges (Circular No. 162)
96 Technical Procedure for withdrawing works Tender Clause-3 (Circular 163)
97 Technical Technical Sanction to Urban and Rural WSS (Circular No. 164)
98 Technical Procedure to be adopted while preparing DPR for scheme costing more than Rs. 50/- Crores. (Circular 165)
99 Technical Publishing advertisement in News paper - Etendering (Circular No. 166)
100 Technical Procedure for high tender rate tenders of Rural WSS (Circular No. 167)